Hi readers!!! I would like to share to you my life of being an artist and designer at the same time. Yes! I know some of you thinks "Ehh!! That's the same" or "What's the difference?". Allow me to explain to you the difference of two.

I wasn't born as an artist. I was a lazy a kid but I love to draw. Then people say "Oh you are good in art" especially I am left handed I don't know why maybe because lefties are creative? lol.. After all compliments I've got from my friends, teachers and other kids I still not considered myself as an artist yet. Because I feel that I am not good at all. I also have the ugliest penmanship ever! I don't even know how to do a perfect circle.
Then one day I got sick and too much emotions are coming into my life. Bad and good things happened, happiness, anxiety and sometimes I cry without knowing why. Then I went to a therapist. She told me to draw my feelings or anything I want. Then I show her my drawing. I thought she wants me to draw because I'm bored. But then I was wrong. Until she explained to me that I feel so sad because my hand is too heavy. The lines are thick and it is too dark. Yes. She is right. She felt the pain in my paper. After that I realised that I can draw my emotions like what artists do.
I started to draw again and I loved it. I study some rules, histories, techniques, colors, and I getting started to buy some art materials which are so expensive. I told myself that I need to invest if I want to be an artist. And I need to talk to veteran artists get some advice and ask a lot of questions. So I practice and practice. Uncountable sleepless nights and there are a lot of studies. It doesn't mean that if you can draw you are already an artist you need to take time for this.
Of course artists accept any compliments from others. Because they love your works and you inspire people. But you should be down-to-earth. Attitude is important especially if you are not famous yet. You don't need to show them that you are the most artistic person on earth. Let the them notice or judge your art. Interpret your art with kindness. Even in the world of art there is love. If you should ever want to be loved by anyone show respect. You have many competitors out there respect them if you want them to respect you.
Second. What is design? Why am I also a designer? Am I not contended of being an artist? Design is a task that you need to accomplish because you are responsible. Well, that is my own meaning of design. Unlike art, design has a lot of rules and you can't just draw and interpret it. You could only apply your artistic side on this. You could not use pencil without measuring things if you need to make a perfect line. You could not just pick a color without the choosing a percentage of CMYK or RGB. It is a kind of complicated thing. Like face with make-up. You look ugly if you only have eye shadow or a over lined lipstick. Design is a kind of perfect balancing artwork. It is clean art with a perfect shape, with a perfect tone etc.. You need to have a very good eye.
After I have finished my Graphic Design course, I realised that I love design than anything else. I've worked as a designer. And that time I don't feel my artistic side yet. I become designer first. Because designing is an easy money job. As a designer you couldn't stop learning. You need to update your skills. Especially the software that you are using is yearly innovating and design trends are always coming. You need to attend seminars, conventions, exhibits and you need to read , watch tutorials and never ending observations. You need to open your eyes everywhere you go.
Another thing being a designer is not the easiest work ever. You will experience a lot of rejections. Why? Because not everyone likes your taste in design. Not everyone will agree on your opinion. And some designers are giving up which is the worst decision. But after you conquered all the rejection and after you got all the leader's eyes you will feel the best feeling in your career.