You Must Be A Graphic Designer If...

But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. - Isaiah 64;8

Here are some of the  signs to know if you or someone you know is a graphic designer. Funny facts and ugly truth... lol. I also admit it. Sometimes I am a lil bit ashamed. But hell yeah!! I am proud to be a designer. 

You are moody. 

Yes!!! You are!!! 

You have your own life. 

It means not everyone can relate on what you are saying  and sometimes it SUCKS!!!

You are obsessed with the details of everything you see.
Sometimes you want to make things perfect. And that is not fine to others. They think you  are getting crazy. You have 46% of OCD. 

You are not a morning person

Yup! Waking up every morning is not you favorite thing to do.  That is why you are always late. You are tired from last night assignments.  But be grateful you are still awake.

You are procrastinated. 

You are being a  lazy once you have a new project. You are going to do it one minute before the deadline. Because you still have itsy-bitsy stuff to do. And this is what you need to avoid in everyday life.

You love watching tutorials on Youtube.

Definitely Yes! Because it's free and unlimited. You are non stop learning and you want to be always up to date. 

You solve things.

Since being a designer is like a scientist and you have a lot problems to solve even in real life you are applying it. You hate being in trouble. You want to fix everything. 

You are always rejected. 

This is the ugliest truth of your career. But this is the best lesson you will get in life. People have different tastes when it comes to design. But you need to accept the fact. You need to make unlimited design proposals. Prove them that you can do it! 

You hate Windows Paint or any Microsoft softwares. 

Windows Paint  is for kids. And you are not a kid anymore. You think MS Word, Exel etc are for Admin stuffs. You hate typing and calculations.

Your friends are asking how much money you have earned

This career is for those who have perseverance, or physical, emotional, financial endurance. And once you reached the top you can tell them how much money you have earned. 

They always want you to edit their face. 

They don't understand what you are doing. They think you are just making fun of something.Those people are the people you want to kill but you cant. lol.. They always want you to put their face into a magazine cover. Which is you literally hate. 

There are times you want to give up your career.

This is the most stupid fact of being a graphic designer. You sometimes get insecure because of many competitors. And you think they are better than you. Guess what? You are good and you have your own strategies how to make your designs perfect and attractive. So are you going to let them win and ruin your career? No way!! Remember that you are awesome!

If you design your career in better ways, you will get the best eyes of your future. - chamarcelino